The Lisa Skye Blog Boric Acid Vitamin (H3BO3)

Boric Acid Vitamin (H3BO3)

boric acid vitamin

Boric acid vitamin (H3BO3) is a natural compound that has antifungal and antiseptic properties. It’s a good choice for treating yeast infections and other bacterial overgrowth.

It’s a safe and effective treatment for recurrent or chronic yeast infections that won’t respond to over-the-counter medications. However, it’s important to talk to your doctor before taking it without a prescription.

You can get boron from dietary sources such as vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. You can also buy a dietary supplement that contains boron.

Dietary supplements containing boron are a good choice for people who don’t get enough from their diets. They can be purchased over-the-counter or in specialty stores.

Are Boric Acid Suppositories Safe and Effective

Foods that are high in boron include legumes, berries, nuts and seeds, milk, cheese, cereal, and dark-green leafy vegetables. Fruit juices, coffee, and wine also contain boron.

Intake of boron is higher among vegetarians than in nonvegetarians. It is lower in infants and children.

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you should talk to your doctor before taking boric acid. It may cause problems in your baby if you take it in large amounts.

Your doctor may prescribe a stronger dose of this drug or a different type of medication to treat your yeast infection. Be sure to follow all instructions on the medicine’s label.

Boric acid suppositories are a safe and effective way to treat a yeast infection. They’re available over-the-counter and can be used for up to 2 weeks. The CDC recommends using a vaginal suppository containing 600 mg of boric acid per day.

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